As I walk down the hallways of the school every day, I can hear the chatter of eager minds, the shouts of excitement from the victorious athletes; thump of dancer feet and the sound of melodious voices harmonizing .the perpetual energy, movement and enthusiasm permeate the atmosphere at Sri Sri Guru Ramdas Academy. We are a school with a difference! We value individualism, creativity, and innovation and strive to nurture them in our students.

Our motto “Spread the Light of Knowledge” is the heart of everything we do at school. We aim to not just impart knowledge to the students, but also to inculcate in them- wisdom, compassion, and a humanitarian spirit. We have a multicultural student population; hence we teach children the importance of tolerance and respecting each other’s culture. Discipline, values and integrity are the very foundation of this school.

Besides rigorous scholastic programmes, we to develop and nurture the different facests of a child. The school encourages all students to participate in a variety of co-curricular activities from dance, art and drama, to a variety of sports, to social work, to environmental conservation activities, (the list goes on….). It is important for a child to explore and find their strengths in order to reach their true potential. Whether the child is an introvert or extravert personality, the aim is to nurture the child into a self confident individual.

Our mission is to continue to do what we have always done: develop this school and the students with integrity and values; also, to give our students the best opportunities and the best all round education. Our vision is to produce conscientious, smart and confident citizen of India who will go out into a world and make us proud.

This school will fulfill all the requirements & expectations of local and surrounding area public.


“The heights by great men reached and kept...
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they while their companions slept…
Were toiling upward in the night.”

I am feeling a great pleasure to convey my message through this column. The purpose of that we are providing to the students is not just to produce academicians but to develop a total quality person. At Sri Sri Guru Ramdas Academy, we ensure that a good environment for learning is maintained and the students have enough opportunities to develop the skills.

We provide the material education, divine education to the students so that they can become a perfect citizen. Our teachers are well qualified and share a passion for teaching, and they try to bring out the best among themselves and their students. Sri Sri Guru Ramdas Academy is more than an ordinary school. We encourage students to embark on difficulty, challenging journey that stretch their potential. But we do so with a faith in the capacities of our teachers and students.

The management and staff of Sri Sri Guru Ramdas Academy is committed to work continuously to make the students learning experience and exciting and elucidating one.