Sport Facility

Sri Guru Ramdas Academy helps to provide a range of sporting programs that will increase children’s interest and participation in sport. It also aims to create stronger links between children and local sporting clubs, nurturing a lifelong love of sport. Sporting Schools offers funding each term to provide sports activities before, during and after school hours. Schools can apply for funding and select from a range of sport packages available through each of our national sporting organisation (NSO) partners.
The availability of sporting facilities and equipment greatly influences the choice and eventually involvement of the learners in sporting activities. This study aimed at finding out the number of facilities, the type of sports and the general level of adequacy of the equipment for the various sports codes in Sri Guru Ramdas Academy using the central province as the reference point. A questionnaire sought information pertaining to their age, teaching and coaching experience, number of pupils in school, the sports codes, the number of facilities and the adequacy of equipment for the various sports disciplines. Preliminary findings indicate that: the pupils are keenly interested in sporting activities, the widely played sports disciplines include different types of sports, which is catching up quickly. These same sports are the ones with the necessary facilities and equipment. Given the narrow range of sports facilities and disciplines, it is recommended that efforts be made to deversify them so as to include other sports .